Sunday, January 10, 2010

Armored (2009) [PSP-SD Rip]

Armored (2009) [PSP-SD Rip]

Armored is a 2009 American crime thriller film directed by Nimród Antal, written by first-time screenwriter James V. Simpson, and starring Matt Dillon, Jean Reno and Laurence Fishburne. It was released on December 4, 2009.
Ty Hackett (Columbus Short) is an employee at the Eagle Shield armored car company who is attempting shake off a less than outstanding past which includes a criminal record and service in the Iraq War. After the bank threatens to foreclose on his house Hackett finds himself in need of additional money to help make ends meet. While attempting to come up with a way to make more money Hackett is approached by one of the men who he works with at the armored car company, who has devised a plan to steal money being transferred from the Federal Reserve to the local banks in advance of a bank inspection. Upset at the prospect, Hackett turns down the offer and leaves for his home. Upon arriving, he finds a welfare worker who reveals that Hackett's brother has missed most of the school year, and that the absences have prompted the state to consider placing Hackett's brother in foster home....
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